
ak-a-da-mē (noun)

a place of study or training in a special field.

a society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, or scientists,
that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field.

Founded by photographer Eric Ronald, Akadame is a place for photographers to hone their craft and explore their artistry in a totally new and exciting way.

Akadame is not just a workshop. Akadame is not just a community. Akadame is not just a classroom. It’s an entirely new approach to photographer education. It’s a game changer. You’re going to love it.

If you’ve been to a photography workshop before you likely invested lots of cash and left with some inspiration and a couple of handy hints. They are great, but at Akadame we aim to give much, much more. Like Billy Madison we’re going back to school.



Fici am venimet aut iniatem nonsequam, sam latem es maximent eaqui officia quiandu ciatis ex et a conet quatem id que acea nost, nim repre, sust, eos veliquia volore volupit asperit aborepe rnatiatium eicaeptiatur

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Teacher: Eric Ronald

Light & Portraiture

Fici am venimet aut iniatem nonsequam, sam latem es maximent eaqui officia quiandu ciatis ex et a conet quatem id que acea nost, nim repre, sust, eos veliquia volore volupit asperit aborepe rnatiatium eicaeptiatur

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Teacher: Eric Ronald


Fici am venimet aut iniatem nonsequam, sam latem es maximent eaqui officia quiandu ciatis ex et a conet quatem id que acea nost, nim repre, sust, eos veliquia volore volupit asperit aborepe rnatiatium eicaeptiatur

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Teacher: Eric Ronald

Workflow & Editing

Fici am venimet aut iniatem nonsequam, sam latem es maximent eaqui officia quiandu ciatis ex et a conet quatem id que acea nost, nim repre, sust, eos veliquia volore volupit asperit aborepe rnatiatium eicaeptiatur

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Teacher: Eric Ronald

Eric Ronald

Remember back in school, you’d have that really crappy teacher, and to endure the hours of uninspired drawl you would break the boredom by drawing penises in your text books? Yeah, we’ve all been there and if it taught us anything, it’s that a good teacher is super important. That’s why your pal Eric Ronald is our main man.

Eric is more than just a pretty camera-wielding face. Not only has Eric enjoyed many years of running a successful wedding photography business and capturing wedding stories all around the globe, his previous careers were just as rich with experiences which he applies to his work today. Eric trained and studied film and television production and went on to have a diverse and successful career where he gained a great deal of knowledge about his craft. He did everything from creating tacky R&B music videos for major clients such as Village Roadshow and tweaking knobs and dials to make Deal or No Deal dazzle the eyeballs. He designed and built the best state of the art television control room in Australia and was flown around the world directing live camera coverage of dental surgeries (no joke!). Then there was his ever important role keeping Dancing With the Stars live on air to it’s millions of viewers around Australia, or his crucial teenage job stacking shelves at Woollies. It’s the collection of these career triumphs along with his personal mantras that create the gold that Eric threads through each business endeavour.

Like all of us, Eric has experienced a great deal on this earth, spanning the full spectrum from joy through to tragedy. It’s these things that have significantly shaped Eric into the unique snowflake that he is. It’s shown through how he expresses himself as an artist, how he views his role as a wedding photographer, how he envisions his businesses, and why he makes for the perfect Akadame professor.

As a photographer, Eric has achieved a great deal of success which his precise, creative and unique vision has helped him stand out in the ever growing crowd. He’s a scientist and a passionate teacher with a great deal to give. He’s your Mr Miyagi here at the Akadame.

Jai Long

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel orci convallis, maximus justo at, consectetur tellus. Donec sed leo sed massa dignissim suscipit a vel ex. Nam egestas lobortis felis, a porta turpis feugiat nec. Nam viverra diam et leo pharetra placerat. Mauris fringilla eleifend ipsum, sit amet rhoncus quam. Curabitur non augue ipsum. Suspendisse eget ultricies lacus, ut cursus augue. Praesent varius, libero nec tempus finibus, nisi massa maximus felis, eget bibendum enim ipsum eu enim.

Fusce leo turpis, ultricies non laoreet at, vehicula in est. Vivamus dui mauris, pellentesque molestie sapien et, tincidunt tincidunt tortor. Donec vestibulum a orci a volutpat. Suspendisse semper blandit quam at consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut a metus orci. Phasellus gravida enim ut ullamcorper sollicitudin. Vestibulum tristique eu elit ac varius. Proin non velit sit amet diam bibendum efficitur. Integer ac nunc eu lorem imperdiet eleifend. Pellentesque nisl massa, fringilla elementum eros et, pretium scelerisque quam. Vivamus et risus ultrices, pellentesque nisl in, vestibulum neque. Ut auctor sapien quis gravida finibus. Quisque dictum ex at ante consequat, ac finibus mauris rutrum. Vivamus pellentesque orci risus, sit amet porta dui molestie eu. Etiam tristique metus quis hendrerit malesuada.

Katie Harmsworth

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel orci convallis, maximus justo at, consectetur tellus. Donec sed leo sed massa dignissim suscipit a vel ex. Nam egestas lobortis felis, a porta turpis feugiat nec. Nam viverra diam et leo pharetra placerat. Mauris fringilla eleifend ipsum, sit amet rhoncus quam. Curabitur non augue ipsum. Suspendisse eget ultricies lacus, ut cursus augue. Praesent varius, libero nec tempus finibus, nisi massa maximus felis, eget bibendum enim ipsum eu enim.

Fusce leo turpis, ultricies non laoreet at, vehicula in est. Vivamus dui mauris, pellentesque molestie sapien et, tincidunt tincidunt tortor. Donec vestibulum a orci a volutpat. Suspendisse semper blandit quam at consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut a metus orci. Phasellus gravida enim ut ullamcorper sollicitudin. Vestibulum tristique eu elit ac varius. Proin non velit sit amet diam bibendum efficitur. Integer ac nunc eu lorem imperdiet eleifend. Pellentesque nisl massa, fringilla elementum eros et, pretium scelerisque quam. Vivamus et risus ultrices, pellentesque nisl in, vestibulum neque. Ut auctor sapien quis gravida finibus. Quisque dictum ex at ante consequat, ac finibus mauris rutrum. Vivamus pellentesque orci risus, sit amet porta dui molestie eu. Etiam tristique metus quis hendrerit malesuada.

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